Saturday, July 21, 2007

I Have More Tips Coming


Well I’m back and I’m happy to be back. My vacation/business trip was Fantastic. I went to Vegas to see if I could setup a deal, but I passed on the deal. The numbers I calculated with this deal didn’t work out for me. I wasn’t getting the profit I want with this deal, so I decided to say no all together. I would only get $10,000 in profit, for all the amount of work that needed to be put into the property. The rule I stick to, is at least $50,000 minimum on a flip deal. I tried to give it a chance, but I put out 3 different scenarios to see if I would make a nice chunk of cash for future investments (I was wrong, but that’s ok). Not all deals are good deals, you just have to search again and move onto the next deal.

On a good note, I went to a big Real Estate Convention in Vegas (WOOOH YEAH VEGAS!!!!!). I’ll make sure to post a little scrap book of pictures on my Vegas trip later this week. Anyways it was a lot of fun, I learned a lot of new trends in Real Estate and how I can incorporate all the information into my business to make more $$$$. I also networked with a lot of people that are successful in the Real Estate World. I made a lot of contacts while I was out there and like I’ve said before on one of my tips “always have a business card, it will help you”. I did a lot of business card trading out there and I have a stack of contacts that will help me get started in Real Estate in Vegas. So starting tomorrow I will have a new tip posted, so make sure to keep up with my blog.

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