Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Network, Network, Network


I hope your credit is clear, because it’s time to discuss growing your Real Estate Business (Networking style). Yes, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and do some major talking to everyone you know. Networking is a good way for finding business, I know because I do it all the time. Just the other day I talked to this guy at the book store, and I looked at what he was reading and I made a comment. He turned to me and said, “Oh you read this book?” I answered him back with a strong yes. It just so happens, he was reading a book about business, so I asked him what type of business he was into. He told me and after that I had a good conversation about what he does for a living. Then I gave him my business card. He looked at my card and smiled, he told me that he always wanted to get into Real Estate.

As you can see Networking is good, I created path for business in the future or immediate future. I know what you’re thinking, who should I talk to and how can I start? It’s easier then you think, so here are a few people you can add to your network.

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Co-workers
  • Attorneys
  • Accountants
  • Neighbors
  • Doctors
  • Realtors
  • Anyone that can help you grow your Real Estate business.

All you have to do is talk, listen and tell them what you do for a living (Real Estate). These people can help you in many ways, such as direct business, work for you or referrals. Now that you know what to do, get out there and talk to people.

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